The JW mentality is that if the world does it then they won't.
Village Idiot
JoinedPosts by Village Idiot
Sanctimonious, "WE'RE Thankful EVERY day."
by stillin inthanksgiving is really just a nice, traditional, family-oriented day set aside on a national level.
no babylon the great.
give me a break with the holier than thou, "we don't celebrate thanksgiving.
Village Idiot
Copy of Crisis of Conscience for Sale
by Village Idiot ini’ve run into hard financial times and have decided to sell my second copy of coc for a fair price.
you’ll find them on amazon for ridiculous prices starting from $59.84 for a beat up used one to $294.96 and up for a new condition copy.
i’m selling mine in new condition for $50.00 plus shipping which should not be more than $5.
Village Idiot
Could you send it to the Australian Royal Commission? Thanks.
I did e-mail the ARC to inform them about the book. They responded to thank me.
Copy of Crisis of Conscience for Sale
by Village Idiot ini’ve run into hard financial times and have decided to sell my second copy of coc for a fair price.
you’ll find them on amazon for ridiculous prices starting from $59.84 for a beat up used one to $294.96 and up for a new condition copy.
i’m selling mine in new condition for $50.00 plus shipping which should not be more than $5.
Village Idiot
I wouldn't sell for less than $100 but that's just me.
Yeap, but it will take me a while to fetch that price. If I don't sell it here I'll go to Amazon asking that price.
Copy of Crisis of Conscience for Sale
by Village Idiot ini’ve run into hard financial times and have decided to sell my second copy of coc for a fair price.
you’ll find them on amazon for ridiculous prices starting from $59.84 for a beat up used one to $294.96 and up for a new condition copy.
i’m selling mine in new condition for $50.00 plus shipping which should not be more than $5.
Village Idiot
never a jw,
I will print my digital copy (100%legal) in 2 sided and sell it for $45.00
Good old fashioned books are more desirable than a sheaf of papers with a Kinko's butterfly clip.
Copy of Crisis of Conscience for Sale
by Village Idiot ini’ve run into hard financial times and have decided to sell my second copy of coc for a fair price.
you’ll find them on amazon for ridiculous prices starting from $59.84 for a beat up used one to $294.96 and up for a new condition copy.
i’m selling mine in new condition for $50.00 plus shipping which should not be more than $5.
Village Idiot
I’ve run into hard financial times and have decided to sell my second copy of CoC for a fair price. You’ll find them on Amazon for ridiculous prices starting from $59.84 for a beat up used one to $294.96 and up for a new condition copy. I’m selling mine in new condition for $50.00 plus shipping which should not be more than $5. I’d rather offer it here first before I go to Amazon.
It has a slight, not too noticeable, crease on the front cover (Don’t you love paperbacks?). It is a fourth edition copy with some corrections neatly taped on the last page by the author.
First person to respond gets it. PM me if you have any questions.
Jehovahs Witnesses and Marijuana
by NikL ini live in california where pot just became legal for recreational use very similar to alcohol.
my wife who is a very active jw has had her medical card for cannabis for a couple of years now.
and i know several in our congregations around our area who are using it medically.
Village Idiot
Actually marijuana is not yet sold recreationally in California since a 1 year moratorium on selling it to the public has been imposed. This length of time has been rationalized by saying it gives time to figure out how to tell if a driver is intoxicated by marijuana. Testing for traces of marijuana should appear to be straightforward, like testing for alcohol, but it is complicated by the fact that it could take days or even weeks for the inactive chemical tested for to clear your system even though you're no longer under the influence after a few hours (It is the metabolite, not the active ingredients, that stays in your system).
This moratorium is unjustified since other states have not imposed any of their own and no ill effects have occurred. Also, under the law, local jurisdictions can impose their own laws negating the cultivation or use of marijuana.
Can any deity be used in manipulation?
by schnell inpale.emperor made an interesting observation in another thread:.
the "blocking an expression of gods love" crap is a sneaky tactic to make the shunner not feel like they're doing something evil.
cults do that.
Village Idiot
Can any deity be used in manipulation?
Since "deities" are a construct of the human mind, then it depends on the individual who's imagining the deity. Anarchists will imagine an anarchist god and authoritarians will imagine a dictatorial god.
Memories of Grace Gough
by Mary inhi everyone;i'm not on here too much anymore, but i've been asked to write a brief biography of our dear grace gough ('mouthy' on here).
i'm writing my own memories of her but it was also suggested that i maybe contact others who knew her to see if they had a nice memory or two of her they'd like to share.
it would only have to be a paragraph or two and your name can be kept confidential if you like.
Village Idiot
I never talked to her much but once I posted a thread asking the forum who their favorite poster was. Mouthy won hands down and she nicely thanked me.
Extreme joy from Witnesses regarding President "Tribulation" Trump!!
by Witness 007 inso sunday afternoon tea with my "anionted" mum and her old witness holy friends.
they start talking trump how he "is gonna do somthing to start armegedon.
" no sad faces about this apocalipse.
Village Idiot
As I've said on another thread the Witnesses don't know their own teachings on the Apocalypse. Here it is:
- The United Nations proclaims "peace and security"!
- Then they attack "Babylon the Great".
- Then, when all other religions have been destroyed, they will turn their attention to the JWs who have been untouched until that moment.
- Finally, the heavenly cavalry, consisting of Jesus, the angels and the 144,000, will swoop on down to exterminate the everyone endangering the Witnesses. They will sling meteors, pestilence, more meteors, skyscraper swallowing earthquakes and finally, more meteors. That is the official Armageddon occurring at the end of the second half of the humongous tribulation.
Ask your heaven bound mom how Donald Trump fits into any of this.
PS: Tell your anointed mom that she's going to participate in Armageddon killing all sorts of worldly riff raff and their children.
Depression, Anger and Anxiety
by Sorry infor the last few months, i feel like i've been going through the 5 stages of grief.
lately, it's been happening simultaneously.
in my other posts, i've expressed anger at my family and congregation for their thoughtless ways.
Village Idiot
I don't know the details of your situation but I would distance yourself from that kind of family. Would it be possible for you to move in with him without them or the elders finding out?
I would also look into taking anti-depressants. I know from personal experience that they work when you get the right kind.